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10 effective ways to increase hair volume using only products from home

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Since ancient times, people have used natural ingredients as cosmetics. For instance, the practice of oiling one's hair is one that dates back to ancient India and is being carried out there today. The nourishment strengthens, thickens, and softens the hair. Additionally, you may utilize additional items to give your hair a lovely appearance. Before using any of these masks, though, make sure you don't have any food allergies or intolerances. Additionally, it's wise to speak with your doctor beforehand.

At My Health, we believe that on sometimes, our predecessors provide genuinely sound counsel. The following hair mask recipes won't break the wallet and should produce good results.

1. Whites of eggs

Eating eggs frequently may maintain your hair healthy since they are a great source of protein. Eggs can be used as a mask to encourage growth, repair damage to hair, and prevent hair loss and breakage. Egg whites may be used on your hair either alone or in conjunction with other products.

Grab two eggs. Only the egg whites are required, so separate the yolks.

Coconut oil is added in 2 teaspoons.

Apply the mixture to damp hair after whisking together all the ingredients.

After 20 minutes, remove the mask by washing it off with cold water.

2. Aloe vera 

Since aloe vera may improve both your health and attractiveness, it has been utilized for generations. It could be especially beneficial for dry, brittle, curly, or greasy hair. Your hair may be moisturized with aloe vera, which may also strengthen it and lessen hair loss. How to utilize it as a mask is as follows:

Aloe vera 2 tablespoons, please.

Olive oil, 1 tablespoon, is added.

Apply the mixture to your hair, starting at the midshaft and working your way down. Apply it to the scalp after that.

To stop the mask from leaking and your hair from drying out, put on a shower cap and wrap a towel around your head.

After 20 minutes, remove the mask and wash your hair thoroughly 

3. Avocado 

Natural oils, good fats, vitamins, and minerals found in avocados may nourish your hair and keep it from splitting. Dehydrated hair may benefit the most from it.

Blend one avocado.

Add 1 tablespoon each of coconut oil and rosemary oil.

Whisk one egg yolk in a different basin.

Apply the mixture to your hair after combining all the ingredients.

After using the mask for 10 to 20 minutes, rinse your hair.

4. Coconut oil

Applying coconut oil to your hair will hydrate it and lessen protein loss and breakage. Our hair's structural makeup may change as a result of water absorption, making hair more vulnerable to damage. Before washing your hair, you can apply coconut oil to stop your hair from absorbing too much water. Applying it after a shower will make your hair smoother and less likely to frizz.

5. Bananas

Bananas include silica, which can increase the amount of collagen produced by your body and thicken and strengthen your hair. They can aid in softening your hair as well.

Put one or two bananas in a bowl and mash them.

Coconut oil, 1 tablespoon, is added.

The ingredients should be thoroughly combined and have a uniform texture.

Apply the mixture to your hair, then wait 10 to 15 minutes before rinsing. Next, wash it away.

6. Oatmeal

The high fiber content of oatmeal helps nourish hair and encourage hair growth. Additionally, it may thicken your hair. The following is a recipe for an oatmeal hair mask:

Oats, 3 teaspoons total.

1 tablespoon each of coconut oil, honey, and 1/2 cup milk should be added.

Apply the mixture to your dry hair while massaging the scalp.

After 30 minutes, leave the mask on for 30 seconds before shampooing.


Honey may give moisture to dry hair, lessen hair breakage, and generally make hair healthier thanks to all the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants it contains. Utilizing it as a mask

In a dish, combine 1/4 cup of olive oil and 1/2 cup of honey.

20 seconds in the microwave for the mixture.

Remix it one more, then let it to cool.

Starting at the scalp, massage it into your hair with your fingers or a paintbrush.

Put on a shower cap and wait 30 minutes with the mask. then use shampoo to remove the mask.

8. Green tea

Green tea may stop hair loss and encourage new hair growth. Drink it to benefit from its antioxidant effects, or use it as a hair rinse:

Fill a cup with a couple of green tea bags and boiling water.

Wait until it is warm or fully cold after letting it soak for five minutes.

At the conclusion of the shower, wash your hair and rinse it with green tea.

9.Rice water

Your hair may be strengthened by using rice water, and it can also be repaired and shielded from further harm. Here's how to succeed:

Rice should be rinsed and strained.

Add 1 cup of water to it and place it in a basin. Stir it up until the water starts to fog.

Retain the water when straining the rice.

The vitamins and minerals in the rice water will come out if you let it rest for 12 to 24 hours.

Pour the rice water into your hair after you've given it a regular wash.

After letting it sit for two to five minutes, wash it off.

10. Milk

Applying milk on your hair can make it stronger and softer by giving it nutritious vitamins and proteins.

Milk, honey, strawberries, and bananas should all be combined.

Use your hands to apply the mixture or, if the consistency permits it, a spray bottle.

After 20 to 30 minutes, let it on, then wash it off.
